I'm not doing very well with this whole challenge am I! I'm just trying to keep up with my regular beauty content and this! It's tough this blog stuff during exams! But anyway - while I'm waiting for game of thrones to load on my computer I'll quickly write this post :P
Day 5 - My guilty pleasure
Hmmmm this is another tough one! As I've become older I don't really have guilty pleasures as I'm not really ashamed of anything I do (which is a good thing). However, if I had to pick one it would be...glee! I love watching glee! It just makes me so happy!
There it is on the internet - I am a Gleek!
Day 6 - 3 personality traits I am proud of
Now, I really like this one! As we are always picking out things we don't like about ourselves! And this encourages me to think about the aspects I do!
Side note: if you are stuck for a blog post I'd love to read other people's personality traits they like!
Anyway (I digress!), my 3 favourite personality traits are: -
1) I'm determined (otherwise known as stubborn sometimes) - there is nothing wrong with having goals which you are determined to succeed! I hate giving-up - and I'll keep going (most of the time until I do!)
2) I am friendly - I love meeting new people and being friendly/kind/loving towards people! I get a joy out of making people happy, and being nice :P
3) Another one similar to the one above - I wear my heart on my sleeve! I can't help showing people how I feel! If I'm unhappy I'll show it, and if I'm happy I'll show it! This could be taken as a positive or a negative trait, but I think it's a good thing as you'll always know what I think/feel!
I hope you enjoyed this post and are having a lovely evening!
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