Saturday, 31 May 2014

31 Day Blog Challenge // Day 3 & 4

Hey Everyone,

So, I managed to fail this challenge on the third day! :( so it's a double bill for you today! Day's 3 and 4! My excuse was I was so bogged down with filming and editing yesterday, and I went to the cinema to watch the new X-men movie! (Which is amazing btw!) Therefore, I ran out of time to blog :(!

Day 3 - Meaning of my business name

This I'm guessing is the name of my blog/channel. Well, I made my YouTube Channel when I was 15 (I think!) to solely watch and subscribe to other YouTubers! It was in the days of the JuicyStars, Allthatglitters etc. 

And one of my favourite words is Cheeky :P as whenever I say it I always smile! so Cheekysmiles was born! Though I think Cheekysmiles was not available at the time, so I added 101 :P

That was a short story!

Day 4 - Earliest Childhood memory 

Now, this is a tricky one! I'm having a hard time coming up with this one!

I think one of my earliest childhood memories is when me and my sister used to play "beach" together in our house! Whenever it was sunny, we would get some towels out of the airing cupboard and lay them out on the floor by the window. The sun would shine through that window in just the right way! We would also get some umbrellas and put them up behind us! (we obviously didn't know that was bad luck!) 

Then, we would just lie on the towels and talk!

We also loved dressing up when we were younger - I still do! Do you have any childhood memories like this?

I hope you enjoyed this post and have a lovely day!

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