Friday, 18 October 2013

Beauty isn't just about Make up...My Fitness Routine

Hey Everyone,

Yes. "I am a blogger about all things Beauty and Fashion related" - the key word here is beauty. Beauty doesn't have to be about what make up you are wearing or the clothes on your back. Sometimes it's about you doing what makes you feel good! I know that is cheesy but it's as that famous quote goes "the best thing a girl can wear is her smile...."

So, what makes me happy is to exercise! Just a disclaimer, I am no way a fitness expert. I just watch a lot of YouTube videos and read a lot of advice columns.

I really got into my exercise routine when I started training for an event called Tough Mudder. It is an 11-13 mile race with 20-25 obstacles in between. I won't go into too much detail but it was the best and most challenging experience of my life!
But to get that finish line - I had been training for 6 months 3-4 times a week (give or take). Since that training process I have basically become "addicted" to exercise and I have to somehow fit 3-4 training sessions in a week to make me feel good :).

Here is a run down of my exercise plan -
Monday - I am currently doing two sessions back-to-back. Firstly, I just started pole fitness this term at uni. This is really all about strength and stamina. So far I'm really enjoying it and I can't wait to progress. Then, I go on to do British Military Fitness (BMF). I started this as a way of training harder during the summer for tough mudder (which is a military-style race) so it seemed appropriate. I love it now as much as I did during the summer months - even in the cold!

Tuesday - is a gym day. I am a member of Virgin Active, it is a lovely gym and also has really nice showers! I like to mix it up either with a leg/arm focused day, I feel it is good to keep the body guessing.

Wednesday - this is my day off at uni so I should probably do more work but no, I go to the gym again. This time, however, it is a full body day! I try to work every muscle in my body by doing a combination of different exercises. I can do this in more detail if people are interested :)

Thursday - I kinda play this day by how much uni work I have to do (or catch up on!) If I am on top of my work then I will go to gym. Again, this is another hard focus day, when I focus on one particular set of muscles.

Friday - again it depends on how much work I have to do whether I go to the gym or not :) Oh uni life...

Saturday - is another BMF day, but it starts at 8:45 a.m. This can at times be a struggle for me, so depends on how determined I am to actually go. This is about 70% of the time (or 65%)

Sunday - this is my official rest day! Yay! I have a lie in and sort myself out for the week to come :)

As I mentioned at the start of the blog - I am going to be talking mostly about make up and fashion, but fitness is a big part of my life and I feel like I want to share it with you :)

Here is another picture of me doing Tough Mudder! I find it motivating to have a goal - whether it's an event or a weight loss goal. Pick something and you'll find it easier to train!

This was different and I hope you enjoyed it! Have a lovely day,


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